Showing posts with label tales of jd and megan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tales of jd and megan. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2013

mamas day

My mother is really one of the most amazing women I know.  And I'm well aware, everyone thinks their mother is the bees knees, no other mother is as amazing as theirs, I get that.  However, I believe mine is an outstanding one.  She's got an amazing story, which makes her even better. 

My parents circa April 27, 1991 at their wedding reception.
(FYI, that hair piece in her hair, became my bridal veil at my own wedding.  Love having such a precious heirloom)
My mother and father were married in the Las Vegas Nevada LDS Temple in April 1991.  My father had three children from a previous marriage, which my mother loves with all her heart.  Their entire family was sealed together in the Las Vegas Temple, for time and all eternity long before I was born.  I was born in October 1992, to a wonderful family with amazing big sisters and a big brother who watched over and protected me throughout my childhood.  Sure, we fought, like siblings generally do, but their care and watchfulness was unwavering.  My mother taught me what unconditional love means.  She has unconditionally loved my siblings and I through all of our trials.  All four of us kids have made some really, really, really questionable decisions, borderline stupid sometimes.  However, even when mom didn't agree with us, she gave us unwavering  support. 

The whole fam damily, Easter 2008
My mother taught me how to listen to the spirit.  In her single years, she traveled around the country working at various horse ranches as a ranch manager/veterinary technician.  Her life is continually led by the promptings of the spirit.  If my mother feels a prompting, action is taken immediately.  When she was preparing to go back to school and moving back to Salt Lake City, UT, she felt prompted to move to Overton, NV (a tiny, tiny little town) and care for her Uncle's horse ranch located there.  Moving their made absolutely no sense, but the spirit prompted her so she packed up and moved to Overton.  While managing her uncle's farm, she began working for a local veterinarian.  Later, she met my father.  If she hadn't followed that simple prompting, none of my siblings nor I would have ever had the privilege of being her children.

My mother taught me what it means to be a true friend.  If my mother even suspects someone needs help, she will go to the ends of the earth to ensure they are taken care of.  We joke and say she is almost "charitable to a fault."  Even sick and tired, she will give whatever she can to whoever is in need.  Friends care for one another, not just in a superficial sense, but in a deeper way.  My mother truly knows how to love as Christ loves, unwavering and unyielding.  For example, the day before my wedding, my mother was violently ill.  She was so sick.  However, the next morning she picked herself up, took some medicine and participated fully in the entire wedding day.  She helped plan things, she helped get me ready, she did everything regardless of how much she was hurting and how ill she was.  Then, on my honeymoon when I got the same terrible flu, my poor husband didn't want to leave me alone in such a state.  So my mother, still recovering from how incredibly sick she was, went to the store and bought crackers, soda, Gatorade, medicine, even pajamas for me and brought them to our little bed and breakfast.  She gives, even when she is in desperate pain, even while she is recovering from eye surgery (like right now!), even when she is on the verge of being in the hospital, she will continue to give. 

My mother is the most inspiring woman I know.  There are so many other women in my life who helped shape me into the person I am today and acted as mother figures in my life.  My grandmothers, my aunts, my teachers, my church leaders, my sister, countless others and of course, I have my wonderful mother-in-law who has been such a lovely, welcoming, beautiful woman and treats me as one of her own children.  Needless to say, JD and I have both been blessed to be raised by amazing women. 

So today, JD and I are so grateful for our mothers.  The ones that raised us and the ones that influenced us.  We're so grateful for you.  I can only hope that whenever I become a mother, I'll be half as wonderful as you all are.

P.S. I got Wreck-It-Ralph as a mother's day present from the hubs because, eventually, I'll be the mother of JD's kids.  SCORE! 


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

the "other" man

I like to say that JD has two personalities.  The one that I fell in love with...and the one that comes out when he is asleep.

DISCLAIMER: I love him no matter what.  However, this beast comes alive when the man is asleep.  He's very affectionate and cuddly when he's awake.  Then the second the REM cycle begins, it is like this incredibly non-touchable menace is born.

I get cranky when I don't get enough rest, which is normal for most people. However, JD gets cranky when he is actually asleep, when he doesn't get enough rest or is dreaming.  I will never understand this.

Perfect Example: The other night I was having really bad, strange dreams.  I kept waking up so I attempted to shake JD awake, at which point he pulled his entire comforter around his face and rolled to the farthest side of the bed.  I fell back asleep...and had another scary dream.  I attempted to shake him awake again saying "JD...JD, honey..."  His response: "What?!"  I quietly said, "I had a bad dream."  His response:

At which point he rolled over and went back to sleep.

After I told him this story in the morning, I received lots of kisses, hugs and heard him say quite a few times, "I'm sorry my subconscious is such a jerk!"

It's hard to get mad at him with a face like this.

 JD circa 2008, shortly before his mission...yes, he still owns that beanie and t-shirt

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


It has been awhile.  It was quite an eventful Christmas filled with family, new babies, loud games, lots of beautiful gifts and my dad putting his head through a wall.  Pictures forthcoming.  However, with the new year upon us, I thought it fitting to talk to you about my goals for the new year.

Some of you may or may not have seen the buzz around the blogosphere, but the One Little Word project is one I think it amazing!  Ali Edwards challenges readers to select a single word to help them throughout the year.  To let that word speak to you, to embrace the word and all meanings/possibilities encumbered by it.  I really enjoyed reading about this challenge, she's been doing it for a few years now but I am now just learning about it.  However, I love it. 

I often find myself making the same resolutions each and every year, then never keeping them.  It gets overwhelming, I get busy and I end up just "surviving" the year rather than conquering it.  Not any more...because the word that spoke to me for this year is...
This year, I am determined.  I'm attacking this year with determination to achieve my goals and not just simply live, but to  conquer.  I hope to continually improve myself and be determined to do so.  I hope to be determined in all things including: taking care of myself, more enjoyable work experience, continuing to improve my school work, being determined to keep things tidy and always determined to stay positive through any trial.  2013 is looking to be an amazing year and I am excited for it. 
Do any of you have a word you hope to inspire you new year?  What is it and what does it mean to you?  I'd love to hear what word inspires you to be your best self in this coming New Year.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Blessings are in abundance in my life.  It's a wonderful thing.  Even though I'm stressed with school (finals are just around the corner), work has been busy as all get out (new assistant, tons of new cases, 2 cases went to trial last week), and cleaning gets me even more stressed (however, I have been keeping consistent with keeping the bathroom clean and keeping up with laundry. Small victories!).  Sometimes I find myself struggling to keep positive when things aren't going the way I want, plan or expect.  However, with the holidays approaching I am thinking about all of the wonderful blessings in my life.  So, here I go to try and list a few:
  • My husband, he makes me so happy
  • The Coca-Cola Company, for giving me the amazing opportunity to attend college.  I am a 2011 Coca Cola Scholar and part of an amazing family of wonderfully talented individuals.  20,000 applied, 250 were chosen.  I am lucky to be part of such a wonderful group.  After attending the scholar conference in Atlanta, GA and meeting scholars from around the country we interviewed for the various levels of scholarship awards.  I was fortunate to receive a $10,000 scholarship to attend college.  It is only through the Coca Cola Company that I am able to continue my education and earn my degree, even if I hate college sometimes.
  • Diet Coke, not only is it putting me through college with money, it gives me the energy necessary to stay up until all hours of the night studying and accomplishing homework.
  • Family, my siblings (both sets) are always there for me, I have the most gorgeous nieces in the world and I have the best parents (both sets) on the planet.  I'm also fortunate to be close with my cousins, aunts and uncles.
  • Wyoming, I really enjoy where we live.  My parent's have been so wonderful letting us live rent free in the basement.  We both have jobs here.  I can attend college at a good rate here.  I like living in a small town.  I grew up in a small town, I hope to raise my children in a small (or at least smallish) community.
  • This blog, it's small.  I don't have a lot of followers.  However, I love each and every person that reads.  It's a wonderful outlet to express my thoughts and hopefully others relate to me.
  • Jobs, JD and I both have employment making us money so we are able to pay our bills and save for our future. 
  • My faith, I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I am so happy I was married in the temple for time and all eternity.  I am so happy I have the gospel in my life.  I am so grateful for missionary work and for the opportunity to participate in the full and everlasting gospel in these latter-days.
  • Friends, even though I live SO far away from my school friends and I miss them like crazy, they always keep in contact with me.  And it makes me so happy.  I also am happy to be making friends up here in Wyoming and to get to know the women in my Relief Society group in our ward.
Life is unpredictable.  Things ALWAYS change for the better, even when it doesn't seem like it.  Blissful contentedness is a wonderful thing.  And I'm happy to be finally experiencing it after a few weeks of heartache and frustration.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

it never ends

Homework, Lawyer work, Housework....It never ends. 

And I am 200% positive I've already written about this.  However, I recently read this post on the lovely Annie's blog and felt inspired.  I remembered being in her young women's and ballet classes and relating so well to her.  If you don't follow her blog, you should.  Because it is lovely, her children are lovely, she is lovely, it's just a bundle of lovely.

I think I've mentioned before, I'm a legal secretary.  Work lately has been crazy busy.  Our office moved, we have another assistant that was recently hired, and things have been so busy with 2 trials this week.  It's stressful, difficult and basically totally overwhelming. hate general education classes.  Why can't I just get on to my arts/education/whatever else degree?

And, my house is basically a wreck.  It looks like a bomb went off...and I don't have the time, patience or energy to do anything about it.  I'm a naturally messy person.  I have never been good at organization for myself, I've never been good about cleaning.  I generally only clean when I absolutely have too.  I've been depressed, frustrated, anxious and all around difficult to live with lately (sorry, JD).  And I can't figure out how to accomplish everything.  I never feel like things are clean.  I never feel like I'm doing enough.  I never feel good about myself, my home or my work.  The only thing I have been feeling good about: my marriage.  Which is why I so frequently blog about our relationship.  Because it is the one thing I feel like I am succeeding at.

Annie talked about her recent struggle with this same issue and I felt inspired.  As of today, I'm attempting to turn over a new leaf.  I created for myself a home management binder, which is my new favorite thing.  At some point I will share with you how it was created.  I'm going to be better about making myself a priority.  And I'm going to be better about keeping myself, my home and my schooling in order.

We'll see how this works...

Friday, November 9, 2012

bundle o' sad

Every once in a while, it's a good thing when your spouse locks you in the bathroom and shouts from the other room "You either relax and take a bath with the new bath salts and body wash I bought you or you sit and sulk for 20 minutes.  Your choice."  I'm hard-headed, but he always knows how to get through to me.  

Today, I have basically just been a big bundle of sad and emotions.  Work was terrible, homework sucks, I have a cold.  The odds are not for me today.  When JD finally got home from work, he promptly held me, let me cry for a bit and made me some toast.  Toast, it's kind of my comfort food.  Then I got back to trying to do my homework.  After being incredibly frustrated with every attempt he finally intervened after watching me struggle because of how stressed I was.  He took my laptop off of my lap, pulled me to our bathroom and closed the door.  My favorite thing to do at the end of a bad day is to basically sit in the tub for an hour.  Silent, warm, alone, perfect.  Then the previous exchange occurred.  It was perfect.  However, I still had basically the suckiest day in the history of ever.  So, I've gone to youtube to drown my sorrows away.  Enjoy a few of my favorite sad day videos.

They're not all Sophia Grace and Rosie videos.  Even though they are adorable...and I adore them...

Friday, November 2, 2012

21 before 21

My birthday this year led me to observe what I'd done since my 19th birthday.  I completed my first year of college, I transferred colleges, I got engaged, I went through the temple, I got married, I moved twice, through two states.  It's been insane.  And I've loved every second of it.  However, I really didn't have any major goals for the year.  I just was doing what I wanted when I wanted to.  Lately, JD and I have been talking about our "bucket list."  What we want to do together before we bite the dust when we're 120 years old.  (yes...we have it planned out when we're going to die.  life now only needs to bend to our will)  I decided I wanted my own little bucket list.  21 things to do before I'm 21.  Do you have goals you want to make?  Join me on my experiment!  I'll keep the blog updated with my progress.

1. Go on a vacation out of state
2. Have consistent date night with the hubs (we, honestly, have been on very few honest to goodness "dates".  We're not very formal people.)
3. Complete my second year of college
4. Learn to bake and decorate (at least half as good as my sister) one awesome cake.  (Have you seen Coley's Cups and Cakes?  They're AMAZING.  And she just happens to be my sister.  I hope my children get some of her creativity genes, because she's awesome.)
5. Buy a bed spread (This one sounds weird, but JD and I are both blanket hogs, and we just never sleep with the same blanket.  We each have our own.  And we don't have a specific bed set, it's just whatever quilts we both feel like and our black sheets and mismatched pillow cases.  As I said before, we're not formal people.) 
6. Lose 30 pounds. (I absolutely know I can lose at least this much in a year.  And if I happen to lose more....YAY!) 
7. Get an elliptical.  (I love working out on an elliptical.  They're amazing.  And they're really not too expensive.  So, it's something I'd like to save up for.)
8. Own the entire Star Wars series on DVD or Blu Ray if we ever buy a blu ray player.
9. Move the Xbox out of our bedroom(...yes...I caved and let my husband bring his Xbox into our room...And now I think it needs to go back into the living room...This one will be done very carefully)
10. Sew myself a skirt or dress.
11. Decorate for all of the major holidays (Valentines, Christmas, Easter, St. Patty's Day, 4th of July, Fall in general)
12. Spend less time on pinterest (Yeah, I'm an's true)
13. Build a snowman
14. Have a snowball fight
15.Have a weekend getaway with the hubs
16. Make someone feel special
17. Dye my hair different then it's current color
18. Get closer to our goal of having a baby
19. Write a missionary once a month (I suck at this...even when the hubs was out and we were writing, he wrote me WAY more than I wrote him...also, any of my cousins can tell you I suck at writing them as well)
20. Go to Disneyland
21. Buy a ruffly apron (I know, it's anti climatic for the last one on the list.  But I am OBSESSED with aprons...I love them...and I've been envious for a ruffly one forever!)

A few highlights from this year:

Me, Cee and Teish Ushering and Tuachan.  Such a blast.

Moved my room in with this lovely lady and became her caregiver.  Miss her so much!

Got Engaged to my best friend.

 Saw the Hunger Games at midnight, out of state with these lovely people.  And I made our shirts.  Which were also awesome. 

 Moved to another state and got our home ready.

And, probably most importantly, I got married.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

i love to see

Fun fact...I love the temple.  Okay, that's actually a huge understatement.  Since I went through the Salt Lake City LDS Temple for the first time in May of this year, I have constantly craved going back to the temple to feel that peace and that spirit.  When we were married we were given brilliant, amazing counsel from our officiant to return to the temple as often as we could.  Where we live in a remote area of Wyoming, the closest temples are 2 1/2 hours away in Utah.  Gasoline is expensive.  We don't make a whole lot of money (we're newlyweds, in happens), so traveling that far is difficult.

However, we've been fortunate enough to have opportunities to travel with family (saving us money) and we save up money specifically to attend the temple. Any loose change, any extra money we randomly come into, it goes into our "temple fund."  Each time we attend we grow closer together as our little family unit of just the two of us.  I just love it.  Since we were married we try to make a goal to attend the temple once a month.  I'll be honest, we've missed a month and in our years and years of eternity to come I'm sure we'll miss more.  We've been fortunate to do sessions at the Salt Lake City, Jordan River and Mount Timpanogas Temples.  Most recently we attended a session last week for Cody Adams, one of my closest life long friends.  He made the decision last year that he wanted to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  And I couldn't be prouder of him. We weren't able to spend the day with him, but we were able to spend the most important part of the day with him and that's what counts.  It made me so grateful for the opportunity and priority we've made temple work in our family life. 

My point is this: If you are LDS and have been through the temple: GO OFTEN.  Even if you only have your recommend for baptisms, go.  Baptisms for the dead are great preparation for feeling the spirit in the temple and understanding the higher ordinances you will one day take upon yourself.

If you aren't LDS and have no idea what I'm talking about, no worries.  You can basically ignore this post.  However, go to a temple open house someday.  It gives you a great opportunity to learn about the gospel and see what temple work is about.  Also, talk the missionaries or to a mormon friend...LIKE ME!  My email inbox is always open :)   (go to the Me. page for my contact info)

Jordan River Utah Temple

Mount Timpanogas Temple

Salt Lake City Temple

"The temple is concerned with things of immortality. It is a bridge between this life and the next. All of the ordinances that take place in the house of the Lord are expressions of our belief in the immortality of the human soul."
—Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

the weekend o' 20

My birthday weekend was practically perfect in every way.  Being low on funds, because, ya know,we're newlyweds attending college living in a basement we stayed in my Aunt's basement in Salt Lake for a weekend.  We shopped, ate at Cafe Rio and did a session at the SLC Temple.  I hadn't been to that temple since we were married, so it was a beautiful day.  Then we got a call from my Aunt, asking what my favorite cake was.  Obviously, she had something planned so we went back to her place and she surprised us with a delicious dinner complete with steak, salad, lobster and chocolate tower cake from Cheesecake Factory.  Basically, we were royally spoiled.  It was wonderful.  The next day we relaxed, watched movies, bought my birthday presents (cover for my Nook Color, Zumba video game for the Xbox Kinect, new slippers) and drove home.  It was wonderful.

Then we got back home, and I was expecting everything to be in the exact same place I left it.  A complete mess.  Then something magical happened.  My mother, for part of her birthday gift to me, had cleaned by living room, bathroom and the spare room that is slowly becoming JD's man cave.  I was so incredibly excited!

Life is good.  Things are good.  And now I've got homework to finish.  Happy 20 years to me.  The weekend left me time to reflect, set goals and decide what I want this next year to bring me.  More on that later. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I think it's amazing how much people evolve as they age.  I had a great, long, amazingly wonderful conversation with my good friend Cody this week.  We go WAY back.  He's one of those life long friends I have.  No matter what either of us have gone through, we're always there for eachother.  No matter how long it's been since we've talked or anything, we still communicate.  And it is nice.

The glorious visit we had last year after not seeing each other for well as a delectable lunch at Mimi's Cafe in Provo, UT

Outside the temple after my wedding. Cody was in our bridal party and there all day for us. Also, you can see how absolutely different I look with and without make up.  Crazy, right?

 During our conversation on my long drive back to Wyoming from Utah, we talked about his upcoming mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, updated each other on our lives and reminisced about our years and years of friendship.  How crazy we were in high school.  How crazy I was about getting straight "A"s.  How many hours we spent in the theatre at school.  We both mused at how much we'd changed since graduation.  Cody is going on a full-time mission, working and living in Provo, bound to do AMAZING things.  I'm married, living in Wyoming (trust me, high school me never saw that coming), working, going to college and preparing to start a family with my husband.  We've evolved into the people we need to be.  And it's a beautiful thing.

The whole point of my story (other than to feature how awesome Cody Annyong Adams is) is this: I celebrated getting a "C" on one of my exams today.  If I so much as got a "B" in high school, I hated myself for about a week.  Now, I'm celebrating over a "C".  Oh, you changed me...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

right now...

I am, literally, blogging from my bathroom.  And here's husband is taking a shower.

And I know that sounds super weird and like I'm going to get into some weird, steamy talk about our love life.  Quite the opposite actually. 

I work mornings...JD works 2 four hour afternoons and then 3 twelve hour days this week.  So, we haven't had a ton of time together.  Because I get home from work, then the hubs is gone to work.  Then when he gets home I am either doing homework, cleaning, etc. Then, we go to bed.

So, I got home and JD was getting ready to take a shower and get ready for work. And he was sad because he was going to spend the only time with the two of us today in the shower alone.  So, to make it so we could actually spend a bit of time together, I'm on my laptop, sitting on the top of our toilet, talking with my best friend.  And listening to good music.  And working on homework.

Also, our bathroom is directly below my parent's office where the wifi router is.  The internet connection in here is amazing.  Maybe I need to use my computer in the bathroom more often...

Us...and our adorableness...First thing in the morning...
He really is my favorite human on the planet. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Mom: You've got a hole in your bum (pointing at a hole in my favorite pair of jeans...sad day...)

JD: I miss David Tennant...
(We've been watching Doctor Who.  He just can't quite get over the loss of Doctor Ten)

Me: (laying in bed, watching Arthur.  YES, Arthur.  It's a good show, people.  Suddenly, my husband got home earlier than I expected so I quickly turn it off and pretend I'm just flipping through titles of Netflix.)
JD: You were watching Arthur, weren't you?  Don't try and hide the evidence.

Me: Man, I really need to tidy up so I can decorate for Halloween.
JD: I know, I've been trying to be patient.
Me: Shut your face, when was the last time you did the laundry or dusted or vacuumed?
JD:.......I love you?
Me: Shut up.

Monday, September 17, 2012

marriage 101

I've read that your first year of marriage and the events that occur during it define the marriage for the rest of your life.  I believe we had a moment, a singular moment, that defined our marriage.  This happened during our first week, nay, our second day of marriage. 

Before our wedding, everyone in my family was getting this absolutely horrible flu.  This included my mother the day before my wedding.  So, I'd been trying to fight this flu away so I didn't have to get it on the day of my wedding.  We made it through the wedding day and had an absolute perfect day.  It was truly the happiest day of my life and I fall deeper in love with my husband every day.

Now, for the reality part.  We got to our darling bed and breakfast (Anniversary Inn.  Seriously, go there, it's adorable)  and had....a fun time (don't oooh la la at me, you know what happens on honeymoons).  We woke up the next morning and watched tv while we ate breakfast.  Then suddenly, I threw up.  All over our bed.  And all over our bathroom.  My husband calmly picked me up, sat me in our tub, started the bath and he proceeded to clean the bathroom, going and getting cleaner from the maids.  He washed me, picked me up, put me in some pajamas and put me into bed.  It was...awful.  Simply horrid.  Mortifying even.  One day into the marriage and he's cleaning puke.  I assumed he was thinking, "What did I get myself into with this one?"  But, I learned something through that terrible experience.  We will always pick each other up.  Even in the deepest, darkest, even embarrassing parts of our lives, we have each other. 

Since then, there's been more throw up for both of us.  Bills that we need to get paid.  Laundry that is never finished.  Messy rooms that can never stay clean.  Jobs that need to be found and stress up the hoozie-whatzit.  However, there's a few things that always keep up going and keep us together and strong in our marriage.

  1. We pray.  Every. Single. Night.  Together and privately.  It is incredibly difficult to be worried, stressed or upset when you're praying to the Lord. "The strength of a man and wife joined together in God’s sight is far greater than the sum of the strengths of each of the two individuals. That’s because the Holy Spirit unites them and gives added power to their prayers." -Stormie Ormartian
  2. We read scriptures.  Almost. Every. Single. Night.  Same principle.  When you're coming closer to the Lord and Christ, it's nearly impossible to be upset or worried about the stresses of the mortal world.
  3. We do our best not to let the little things get us down.  I often find myself completely overwhelmed and frustrated over not having enough hours in the day to do homework, laundry, work out, cook and be the perfect "happy" wife at all times.  And, luckily, my hubby has even said "If I wanted the perfect cookie cutter wife, I wouldn't have married you."  Some people think it's an insult, I consider it a GREAT compliment to be out of the ordinary. 
  4. We talk about everything.  No lies, no secrets. To quote a certain "dancer" from The Office, "Secrets secrets are no fun.  Secrets secrets hurt someone."
  5. We forgive and forget.  We never bring up past mistakes in arguments.  Okay, never sounds absolute.  We aren't perfect people.  We make mistakes, but reliving and rehashing out old problems never fixes them.
  6. We write in our journals most every day.  It's these small, separate, private moments that keep us (ourselves) together.  In order to care for each other, we need to care for ourselves.  And we work to keep up on this one. 
  7. We'd don't point out each others flaws and mistakes. 
  8. And, we fall deeper in love each day.  (Probably the easiest and most important factor in our happy marriage)

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Emma: You scream...a lot...too much screaming...

Mom: Your pants are looking too big. 
Me:  Oh, good.  Normally they're too small.
Mom: Yay!  You're losing weight!  When I lose weight I get your old clothes!

Doctor: So, you've been throwing up?  Are you pregnant?
Me: I had an ultrasound, you'd know better than I would.
(Also, I'm not preggo my eggo.  Just to clarify that to the world)

Mom: NO!  THAT MAKES IT WORSE.  HERE'S FLOUR, I'LL THROW THAT ON IT. (fire alarm begins buzzing through the whole house)
Mom: JUST LET ME TRY THIS (throws flour on, fire flames up even more)
Both: AH!  JD!!!! GET UP HERE NOW!!!!!!

JD: It can't be that bad.
Me: Okay, well when you bleed from your privates for a week every month you can tell me how it's not that bad.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

back to reality

I will tell you something, my favorite thing in the world is the first week of school.  Even when I was in elementary school.  You're getting to know everyone.  There's hardly any homework.  You're getting an idea of the professor/teacher's personality and teaching style.  It's a wonderful, beautiful, simple week.  Almost like, the calm before the storm.

However, the storm has hit.  Today my math class and education class have finally "really" begun.  Fun fact, I thought math for elementary school teachers was going to be super duper easy.  I also thought teaching math to elementary school students was going to be super duper easy.  I was wrong.  It is actually quite in depth.  Today I'm working on learning about all of the different numeration systems throughout history.  And it's pretty crazy how much there is to learn about it.

We spent a lovely little weekend in Salt Lake City. Fun, relaxation, family parties.  It was wonderful!  And....we got to go to....(drum roll please) JIMMY JOHN'S!  When I lived in St. George last year, I was absolutely obsessed with JJ's.  It was just so delicious...the chips, the huge cookies, the amazingly delicious fresh baked bread and totally fresh ingredients.  However, living in Wyoming, we never, ever, EVER get to eat at JJ's.  Well, the streak ended.  And it was divine.

Here's JD in all of his Jimmy John's glory.  Can't you just see how excited he is (and how desperately he needs to shave?  Thank goodness we bought him some new razors in SLC)?!

Also, someday I'll have a good camera.  I'm getting closer to the goal....and hopefully JD will get a job soon so we can be a little more stable.   Maybe for Christmas (wink, wink...nudge, nudge hubby) I'll get the camera of my dreams.