Showing posts with label eating out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eating out. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

the weekend o' 20

My birthday weekend was practically perfect in every way.  Being low on funds, because, ya know,we're newlyweds attending college living in a basement we stayed in my Aunt's basement in Salt Lake for a weekend.  We shopped, ate at Cafe Rio and did a session at the SLC Temple.  I hadn't been to that temple since we were married, so it was a beautiful day.  Then we got a call from my Aunt, asking what my favorite cake was.  Obviously, she had something planned so we went back to her place and she surprised us with a delicious dinner complete with steak, salad, lobster and chocolate tower cake from Cheesecake Factory.  Basically, we were royally spoiled.  It was wonderful.  The next day we relaxed, watched movies, bought my birthday presents (cover for my Nook Color, Zumba video game for the Xbox Kinect, new slippers) and drove home.  It was wonderful.

Then we got back home, and I was expecting everything to be in the exact same place I left it.  A complete mess.  Then something magical happened.  My mother, for part of her birthday gift to me, had cleaned by living room, bathroom and the spare room that is slowly becoming JD's man cave.  I was so incredibly excited!

Life is good.  Things are good.  And now I've got homework to finish.  Happy 20 years to me.  The weekend left me time to reflect, set goals and decide what I want this next year to bring me.  More on that later. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

back to reality

I will tell you something, my favorite thing in the world is the first week of school.  Even when I was in elementary school.  You're getting to know everyone.  There's hardly any homework.  You're getting an idea of the professor/teacher's personality and teaching style.  It's a wonderful, beautiful, simple week.  Almost like, the calm before the storm.

However, the storm has hit.  Today my math class and education class have finally "really" begun.  Fun fact, I thought math for elementary school teachers was going to be super duper easy.  I also thought teaching math to elementary school students was going to be super duper easy.  I was wrong.  It is actually quite in depth.  Today I'm working on learning about all of the different numeration systems throughout history.  And it's pretty crazy how much there is to learn about it.

We spent a lovely little weekend in Salt Lake City. Fun, relaxation, family parties.  It was wonderful!  And....we got to go to....(drum roll please) JIMMY JOHN'S!  When I lived in St. George last year, I was absolutely obsessed with JJ's.  It was just so delicious...the chips, the huge cookies, the amazingly delicious fresh baked bread and totally fresh ingredients.  However, living in Wyoming, we never, ever, EVER get to eat at JJ's.  Well, the streak ended.  And it was divine.

Here's JD in all of his Jimmy John's glory.  Can't you just see how excited he is (and how desperately he needs to shave?  Thank goodness we bought him some new razors in SLC)?!

Also, someday I'll have a good camera.  I'm getting closer to the goal....and hopefully JD will get a job soon so we can be a little more stable.   Maybe for Christmas (wink, wink...nudge, nudge hubby) I'll get the camera of my dreams.