Blessings are abundant for our little two person family, blog world. I've been working extra hours at my office and building quite a bit of job security. JD got moved up to FULL TIME! Yay! These are both incredible blessings for us at this time!
However, I often look at our money situation and think, "How did we survive when I was the only one with a pay check?" It really was not that long ago that JD was out of work still and I was the only one bringing home very little from my part-time paralegal gig. I thought and thought about this and realized something: We were much more careful. We knew we ONLY had $400-$500 for the month. We carefully planned out every cent. And we thrived and survived, with the help of not paying rent (my parents really are our saviors as we work up the ranks, earn money and save for a house. I don't think I'll ever be able to really express to them or you how awesome they are.) and having limited expenses.
As I was looking at our financials, our expenses haven't really changed. However, we have not been budgeting as we used to. We feel as though we don't have to be as tight as we once did, so we spend on frivolous "extras." Lately, we've been seriously looking at purchasing a home. We're needing to save up for school expenses so both JD and I can attend school this fall. We want to start saving for a baby. So, obviously, spending needed to cease...or at least be controlled.
One of my very favorite money savings blogs is And Then We Saved. Anna got out of $24,000 of debt in 15 months! She shares tips on saving money, doing things yourself, and most inspiring to me, The Spending Fast. If the Spending Fast seems a little too difficult for you (because I thought that when I read it), try the Spending Diet with me!
Read more about the details on Anna's blog. Essentially, at the beginning of the month we make a list. First, we begin estimating our income for the month. Then, we estimate our NEEDED expenses. Let me say that again...NEEDED expenses. Yes, there are huge differences between NEEDS and WANTS. Don't worry friends, it's difficult for me to grasp that most of the time too. Generally, once the needed expenses are done, we give ourselves $200 extra (Anna does $100, but we're starting with $200 to start). This money can be used for whatever we want during the month. Eating out, buying clothes, etc. Once it is gone, it's gone. Any money left over after the "needs" list and $200 extra "play" money is done, gets put straight into our Savings Account preparing for house, baby and college for JD.
This month we're starting the plunge and, I'll tell you (even where we basically have no debt right now) it feels liberating. We feel like we're taking total control of how and where we spend our money. So, join me in the Spending Diet! Do you have any favorite budgeting or spending tips? What things do you deem "needs" and "wants"? (i.e. I have yet to convince my husband dyeing my hair is steps I suppose). I guarantee you're going to like how it feels to take total control of your finances.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
the "other" man
I like to say that JD has two personalities. The one that I fell in love with...and the one that comes out when he is asleep.
DISCLAIMER: I love him no matter what. However, this beast comes alive when the man is asleep. He's very affectionate and cuddly when he's awake. Then the second the REM cycle begins, it is like this incredibly non-touchable menace is born.
I get cranky when I don't get enough rest, which is normal for most people. However, JD gets cranky when he is actually asleep, when he doesn't get enough rest or is dreaming. I will never understand this.
Perfect Example: The other night I was having really bad, strange dreams. I kept waking up so I attempted to shake JD awake, at which point he pulled his entire comforter around his face and rolled to the farthest side of the bed. I fell back asleep...and had another scary dream. I attempted to shake him awake again saying "JD...JD, honey..." His response: "What?!" I quietly said, "I had a bad dream." His response:
At which point he rolled over and went back to sleep.
After I told him this story in the morning, I received lots of kisses, hugs and heard him say quite a few times, "I'm sorry my subconscious is such a jerk!"
It's hard to get mad at him with a face like this.
DISCLAIMER: I love him no matter what. However, this beast comes alive when the man is asleep. He's very affectionate and cuddly when he's awake. Then the second the REM cycle begins, it is like this incredibly non-touchable menace is born.
I get cranky when I don't get enough rest, which is normal for most people. However, JD gets cranky when he is actually asleep, when he doesn't get enough rest or is dreaming. I will never understand this.
Perfect Example: The other night I was having really bad, strange dreams. I kept waking up so I attempted to shake JD awake, at which point he pulled his entire comforter around his face and rolled to the farthest side of the bed. I fell back asleep...and had another scary dream. I attempted to shake him awake again saying "JD...JD, honey..." His response: "What?!" I quietly said, "I had a bad dream." His response:
At which point he rolled over and went back to sleep.
After I told him this story in the morning, I received lots of kisses, hugs and heard him say quite a few times, "I'm sorry my subconscious is such a jerk!"
It's hard to get mad at him with a face like this.
JD circa 2008, shortly before his mission...yes, he still owns that beanie and t-shirt
Monday, January 7, 2013
"You know you found your perfect woman when she can quote the entire 'Saga Begins' Star Wars song by Weird Al." (I've been able to do it since fourth grade...he's impressed)
"FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!"(Every time he dies in Halo)
"Will you cook for me forever?" (to my mother...I guess I still have a thing or two to learn...)
"My laundry is so clean...[my wife] must be doing it." (True. He said his laundry was only ever done this well when he lived with his parents still.)
"You put a random pastry in my bag and you didn't even tell me?" (To the woman at Arby's that gave us a free apple turnover)
"I really think that you can't ever really be happy unless you're following the Lord...and have a super hot and gorgeous wife like mine." (Also, true.)
"FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!"(Every time he dies in Halo)
"Will you cook for me forever?" (to my mother...I guess I still have a thing or two to learn...)
"My laundry is so clean...[my wife] must be doing it." (True. He said his laundry was only ever done this well when he lived with his parents still.)
"You put a random pastry in my bag and you didn't even tell me?" (To the woman at Arby's that gave us a free apple turnover)
"I really think that you can't ever really be happy unless you're following the Lord...and have a super hot and gorgeous wife like mine." (Also, true.)
Friday, January 4, 2013
the book is always better
I'm sure many of you have heard of "The Book of Mormon." No, not this one (although it is awesome)...
Yes, The Book of Mormon: The Musical. It has caused mixed feeling among members of my faith. I know of people who are completely offended by this new show. They think it is completely desecrating the LDS faith. They believe this show is ripping apart the very book they love so dearly.
Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and a lover of musical theatre, I've researched this musical extensively. This musical is quite humorous, however I would not consider it a work of art. It's a fun, lighthearted, satire piece. Nothing really to "write home about" in my humble opinion. However, it is apparent the writers of the musical know there is something special about us "Mormons." They extensively read the Book of Mormon, went to church historical sites and did lots of history research into our church. There are even little jokes in the musical referring to "quit being such a Lemuel" and things only members of the church would understand. However, this musical does present some false doctrine. For example, the young elder who is constantly making up and misusing scriptures. The statement that God's plan involves everyone getting their own planet. The statement that Mormons just believe. These can be seen as horrific and terrible mockery and blasphemy. I disagree.
We live in a culture where nearly all publicity is good publicity. While this musical does put Mormonism in a skewed and satirical light, it also peaks peoples interest. I flew back east to New York City about two years ago to perform with the National Honors Choir at Carnegie Hall. It was an amazing experience, not only because I got to sing at Carnegie Hall, but because of all of the people I met. There were 80 chosen from the 10,000 that auditioned for the program. And, shocker, there was only one other LDS singer selected. Between the 12 hours a day of rehearsals, there was little sight-seeing accomplished. I was able to go to the "Top of the Rock," shop on 5th Avenue, eat over in the Hell's Kitchen district and see two amazing Broadway musicals. Not to mention, our rehearsal space was in Times Square, so we were constantly walking around there each day. A few performers, in their spare time, saw The Book of Mormon as at that time it was still in previews and had not yet premiered. I had so many of those singers asking me about the gospel and what Mormonism was all about after they had seen the musical. While there were some misrepresentations in the show, it got people intrigued to explore the church and learn more about the gospel.
I know some of you members of the church are reading this thinking, "What a heathen! Any bad things said about the LDS church are obviously horrible and need to be stopped!!!" I say you're entitled to your opinion. However, do you want to know who agrees with me? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Once the Book of Mormon Musical began it's tour this year and continued on Broadway, the church took the opportunity to make some great publicity by doing this....
I love that the church did this! I think it shows that the Church is evolving with the times. Church leaders understand that while this is a satire piece poking fun at many different religions, including the LDS church, there is always a way to turn anything potential harmful into a positive tool to promote the church.
*In no way am I promoting that you run out and go see this musical. Quite honestly, I really do not enjoy it. However, I think it is amazing that the LDS church has decided rather than be upset about this musical and it's inappropriate at times content, it is celebrating the fact that this musical gets people interested in our religion. In my humble opinion, only good can come from others discovering how awesome the church is.
This is the one I'm speaking of:
Yes, The Book of Mormon: The Musical. It has caused mixed feeling among members of my faith. I know of people who are completely offended by this new show. They think it is completely desecrating the LDS faith. They believe this show is ripping apart the very book they love so dearly.
Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and a lover of musical theatre, I've researched this musical extensively. This musical is quite humorous, however I would not consider it a work of art. It's a fun, lighthearted, satire piece. Nothing really to "write home about" in my humble opinion. However, it is apparent the writers of the musical know there is something special about us "Mormons." They extensively read the Book of Mormon, went to church historical sites and did lots of history research into our church. There are even little jokes in the musical referring to "quit being such a Lemuel" and things only members of the church would understand. However, this musical does present some false doctrine. For example, the young elder who is constantly making up and misusing scriptures. The statement that God's plan involves everyone getting their own planet. The statement that Mormons just believe. These can be seen as horrific and terrible mockery and blasphemy. I disagree.
We live in a culture where nearly all publicity is good publicity. While this musical does put Mormonism in a skewed and satirical light, it also peaks peoples interest. I flew back east to New York City about two years ago to perform with the National Honors Choir at Carnegie Hall. It was an amazing experience, not only because I got to sing at Carnegie Hall, but because of all of the people I met. There were 80 chosen from the 10,000 that auditioned for the program. And, shocker, there was only one other LDS singer selected. Between the 12 hours a day of rehearsals, there was little sight-seeing accomplished. I was able to go to the "Top of the Rock," shop on 5th Avenue, eat over in the Hell's Kitchen district and see two amazing Broadway musicals. Not to mention, our rehearsal space was in Times Square, so we were constantly walking around there each day. A few performers, in their spare time, saw The Book of Mormon as at that time it was still in previews and had not yet premiered. I had so many of those singers asking me about the gospel and what Mormonism was all about after they had seen the musical. While there were some misrepresentations in the show, it got people intrigued to explore the church and learn more about the gospel.
I know some of you members of the church are reading this thinking, "What a heathen! Any bad things said about the LDS church are obviously horrible and need to be stopped!!!" I say you're entitled to your opinion. However, do you want to know who agrees with me? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Once the Book of Mormon Musical began it's tour this year and continued on Broadway, the church took the opportunity to make some great publicity by doing this....
I love that the church did this! I think it shows that the Church is evolving with the times. Church leaders understand that while this is a satire piece poking fun at many different religions, including the LDS church, there is always a way to turn anything potential harmful into a positive tool to promote the church.
*In no way am I promoting that you run out and go see this musical. Quite honestly, I really do not enjoy it. However, I think it is amazing that the LDS church has decided rather than be upset about this musical and it's inappropriate at times content, it is celebrating the fact that this musical gets people interested in our religion. In my humble opinion, only good can come from others discovering how awesome the church is.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
It has been awhile. It was quite an eventful Christmas filled with family, new babies, loud games, lots of beautiful gifts and my dad putting his head through a wall. Pictures forthcoming. However, with the new year upon us, I thought it fitting to talk to you about my goals for the new year.
Some of you may or may not have seen the buzz around the blogosphere, but the One Little Word project is one I think it amazing! Ali Edwards challenges readers to select a single word to help them throughout the year. To let that word speak to you, to embrace the word and all meanings/possibilities encumbered by it. I really enjoyed reading about this challenge, she's been doing it for a few years now but I am now just learning about it. However, I love it.
I often find myself making the same resolutions each and every year, then never keeping them. It gets overwhelming, I get busy and I end up just "surviving" the year rather than conquering it. Not any more...because the word that spoke to me for this year is...
Some of you may or may not have seen the buzz around the blogosphere, but the One Little Word project is one I think it amazing! Ali Edwards challenges readers to select a single word to help them throughout the year. To let that word speak to you, to embrace the word and all meanings/possibilities encumbered by it. I really enjoyed reading about this challenge, she's been doing it for a few years now but I am now just learning about it. However, I love it.
I often find myself making the same resolutions each and every year, then never keeping them. It gets overwhelming, I get busy and I end up just "surviving" the year rather than conquering it. Not any more...because the word that spoke to me for this year is...
This year, I am determined. I'm attacking this year with determination to achieve my goals and not just simply live, but to conquer. I hope to continually improve myself and be determined to do so. I hope to be determined in all things including: taking care of myself, more enjoyable work experience, continuing to improve my school work, being determined to keep things tidy and always determined to stay positive through any trial. 2013 is looking to be an amazing year and I am excited for it.
Do any of you have a word you hope to inspire you new year? What is it and what does it mean to you? I'd love to hear what word inspires you to be your best self in this coming New Year.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
protect the children
I theorized a few days ago that my blog post today would contain a my experiences co-planning the annual ward Christmas party. The sore feet that I was sure would come (and I was correct), the relief of stress I would feel (I was also correct) and the end of finals week (which was also an amazing blessing). However, life has a way of changing things...
Last night after a full day of work and a full week of decorating, cooking, singing at and cleaning up after the ward Christmas party that I was co-chair for, I was finally able to sit down upstairs and watch the news before heading to bed. I'd read a bit about the story while at work, however, I was so busy I merely read a few headlines then continued work on a few of the divorce cases going to trial next week. My father and my husband hadn't heard anything about the killings either, being busy at work as well.
I was saddened and horrified by the news as I watched the timeline of this travesty unfold. I wondered how a young man, the exact same age as me mind you, could get to such a dark, horrible place in his own mind that he felt the need to not only destroy his own life, but the lives of countless others. I thought of my three little nieces and how horrified and distraught I would feel if any of them were in any situation remotely close to what happened in Newtown, CT.
Not only did I begin pondering on that horrific, senseless act of violence in Connecticut, but I also began pondering on the at least two other instances of violence to happen this week alone. The Jovan Belcher murder/suicide and the Oregon mall killings have all occurred in this small window of time. I'm sure there are many other violent acts to have taken place in the last two weeks that I am not aware of. As my husband, father and I watched, we began discussing all of these killings that have taken place in two weeks time. We also spoke of our experiences when Columbine, The Virginia Tech Massacre, The Aurora Colorado Movie Theater Shootings and countless other violent acts taken out on innocent men, women and children. How when each individual event happened, we couldn't believe humanity could fall any further. And with each individual event, we were constantly proved wrong.
The true heroine, in my humble opinion, of the entire tragedy is Victoria Soto.
CNN reports:
Now is not the time to discuss personal opinions on gun control or
demand the government take action to prevent this from happening again. Now is the time to lovingly remember those who were lost in this
horrific event. As a current Elementary Education Major, I felt a connection with this particular occurrence. I thought as I
watched the bravery exhibited by the teachers involved wondering, If my
class of kindergarteners was in that situation, would I be able to be as
calm, loving and brave as these teachers were? That answer in
unclear, but I know that if I have even half of the love that those
teachers had for their students, I would do anything to protect them.
Last night after a full day of work and a full week of decorating, cooking, singing at and cleaning up after the ward Christmas party that I was co-chair for, I was finally able to sit down upstairs and watch the news before heading to bed. I'd read a bit about the story while at work, however, I was so busy I merely read a few headlines then continued work on a few of the divorce cases going to trial next week. My father and my husband hadn't heard anything about the killings either, being busy at work as well.
I was saddened and horrified by the news as I watched the timeline of this travesty unfold. I wondered how a young man, the exact same age as me mind you, could get to such a dark, horrible place in his own mind that he felt the need to not only destroy his own life, but the lives of countless others. I thought of my three little nieces and how horrified and distraught I would feel if any of them were in any situation remotely close to what happened in Newtown, CT.
Not only did I begin pondering on that horrific, senseless act of violence in Connecticut, but I also began pondering on the at least two other instances of violence to happen this week alone. The Jovan Belcher murder/suicide and the Oregon mall killings have all occurred in this small window of time. I'm sure there are many other violent acts to have taken place in the last two weeks that I am not aware of. As my husband, father and I watched, we began discussing all of these killings that have taken place in two weeks time. We also spoke of our experiences when Columbine, The Virginia Tech Massacre, The Aurora Colorado Movie Theater Shootings and countless other violent acts taken out on innocent men, women and children. How when each individual event happened, we couldn't believe humanity could fall any further. And with each individual event, we were constantly proved wrong.
The true heroine, in my humble opinion, of the entire tragedy is Victoria Soto.
CNN reports:
Soto, a first grade
teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary, moved her students away from the
classroom door when she heard gunfire, which students initially "thought
were hammers falling," according to the father of one of her students.
Her students were huddled behind her in a corner of the classroom, her family said.
"That's when the gunman
burst in, did not say a word, no facial expressions, and proceeded to
shoot their teacher," said Robert Licata, whose 6-year-old son Aiden
escaped by running past the shooter.
"She instinctively went
into action when a monster came into her classroom and tried to protect
the kids that she loved so much," her cousin, James Wiltsie, said. "We
just want the public to know that Vicki was a hero."
While Soto had no
children of her own, she did love her dog. The black lab Roxie spent
Saturday wondering around Soto's apartment, apparently looking for her,
relatives said.
My personal thoughts and prayers are with those families suffering through this incredible tragedy. However, I know without a doubt that their families will be reunited in the hereafter. Hold those you love tighter and always protect the children.
have spoken for children—children everywhere. Some may reject some of
these examples, but none should resist the plea that we unite to
increase our concern for the welfare and future of our children—the
rising generation. We
are speaking of the children of God, and with His powerful help, we can
do more to help them. In this plea I address not only Latter-day Saints
but also all persons of religious faith and others who have a value
system that causes them to subordinate their own needs to those of
others, especially to the welfare of children." -Dallin H. Oaks
Monday, December 10, 2012
that will be my life
One down...And it was the one I was the most worried about.
This week, is the dreaded finals week. And I am shaking in my boots. Quite literally. It's cold up here. Snowy, windy (apparently) normal Wyoming weather. At least one of the worst is over. Now I just have two projects and two finals left to Thursday.
Yet, here I am, procrastinating the whole terrible ordeal. I decided I passed my math exam with flying colors, so I deserve to have sometime on the internet. Until I begin again writing my research paper for English. Being in college is hard.
Today I was catching up on some blogs that I follow and I read this post by Ashley @i believe in unicorns. Then, I read a post about that post here by Bree @scribbles and snapshots. Guess what? BOTH were answers to my prayers. I was so happy to read about women in similar situations as I, struggling with the same concept/problem as I am.
What makes you happy? I've never been a logical thinker. I'm quite a creative mind. I've never been content with doing things logically or having a "normal" job. I've always wanted to make art, play with children, sing, write, read, play instruments, etc. for my career. Currently, I love my career. Being a paralegal is wonderful. I enjoy helping people through difficult times. Still, my creative mind often feels cramped and contained having to stay within the lines of legal protocol.
However, I'm currently a college student. I'm figuring out what I want to be when I grow up. Currently, it's a teacher. I love children. I think I'd be just darling at it (to quote Ms. Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's). Still, I want to be a mother. I want to be a private voice teacher. I want to be an elementary school teacher. I want to be a writer. I want to be an artist. I really enjoy law, perhaps I'll even get my Juris Doctor one day. It is completely difficult to decide what to be when I grow up. Can't I just be a ballerina princess like I wanted to when I was four years old?
Life is beautiful. Art is everywhere. Spoken word, novels, music, even the sounds of children laughing. Art is a wonderful thing and my main goal in life is to help everyone see that art lives all around us. I want to make the world more beautiful. That is my goal in life. Now just to find my way getting there...
This week, is the dreaded finals week. And I am shaking in my boots. Quite literally. It's cold up here. Snowy, windy (apparently) normal Wyoming weather. At least one of the worst is over. Now I just have two projects and two finals left to Thursday.
Yet, here I am, procrastinating the whole terrible ordeal. I decided I passed my math exam with flying colors, so I deserve to have sometime on the internet. Until I begin again writing my research paper for English. Being in college is hard.
Today I was catching up on some blogs that I follow and I read this post by Ashley @i believe in unicorns. Then, I read a post about that post here by Bree @scribbles and snapshots. Guess what? BOTH were answers to my prayers. I was so happy to read about women in similar situations as I, struggling with the same concept/problem as I am.
What makes you happy? I've never been a logical thinker. I'm quite a creative mind. I've never been content with doing things logically or having a "normal" job. I've always wanted to make art, play with children, sing, write, read, play instruments, etc. for my career. Currently, I love my career. Being a paralegal is wonderful. I enjoy helping people through difficult times. Still, my creative mind often feels cramped and contained having to stay within the lines of legal protocol.
However, I'm currently a college student. I'm figuring out what I want to be when I grow up. Currently, it's a teacher. I love children. I think I'd be just darling at it (to quote Ms. Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's). Still, I want to be a mother. I want to be a private voice teacher. I want to be an elementary school teacher. I want to be a writer. I want to be an artist. I really enjoy law, perhaps I'll even get my Juris Doctor one day. It is completely difficult to decide what to be when I grow up. Can't I just be a ballerina princess like I wanted to when I was four years old?
Life is beautiful. Art is everywhere. Spoken word, novels, music, even the sounds of children laughing. Art is a wonderful thing and my main goal in life is to help everyone see that art lives all around us. I want to make the world more beautiful. That is my goal in life. Now just to find my way getting there...
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