Showing posts with label budgeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label budgeting. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

charitable to a fault?

We all know, to be charitable is admirable and brings people closer to whatever higher being you may/may not believe in.  However, when is being charitable detrimental?  Where does charity stop and inability to care for yourself begin?  This is the big question.

Charitable contributions are a wonderful thing to do.  I give to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as well as several local groups that provide a wonderful service to my community.  My personal belief is that if I give a little, I'll get a little at some point.  The "pay it forward" mentality.  Even money saving guru Dave Ramsey stated: Doesn’t giving mean you have less money? Technically yes, but giving has valuable benefits. For starters, giving to others makes you more appreciative of what you have, which can actually help curb your spending. Second, people who give tend to find blessings and attract people into their lives who can cause them to be blessed more.  (You can read the entire article on Building Wealth here)  There is a huge difference between being giving....and down right throwing all of your money at charitable groups.  Charitable contributions should not interfere with paying necessary expenses such as groceries, gas money and utility bills.  

Caring for yourself financially is essential to gaining stability in all parts of your life.  Think of yourself as a financial asset.  I understand that is a little difficult and strange to do.  But, seriously, picture it.  Your career, your accounts and yourself.  By investing in yourself (i.e. investing retirement/savings accounts, paying your bills on time to build credit, setting money aside for medical expenses, paying for classes to improve skills, etc.) you are building upon your greatest financial asset.  YOU!  A marketable, smart and secure person is one that never fears unexpected expenses, never stresses over financial decisions and strives for greatness in all aspects of their life.

I'm a giver.  I always have been.  However, once I got married and really started looking at our goals financially, I realized that as much as I wanted to give monetary donations to groups, there had to be changes in how giving was done.  We still donate 10% of our income to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and we choose to be charitable in other ways.  We do service for groups we would generally just give money too.  We go through our belongings and donate what we don't need to Deseret Industries.

Charity is a Godly trait.  However, how are we expected to care for others if we cannot care for ourselves (financial, physically or otherwise)?  M.S. Elizabeth Scott stated: Taking time out to care for yourself can remind you and others that you and your needs are important, too. Having a well-cared-for body can make you feel good about yourself and your life, and conveys to others that you value yourself. This can contribute to long-term feelings of wellbeing. (You can read her entire article on the importance of self-care here)  I used to not plan out my time at all.  I'd commit to give my time to numerous organizations, I'd commit to help everyone and I'd completely kick my own needs to the curb.  I wouldn't get enough sleep, because I was working and going to school and giving every second of free time I had to various groups.  My health was suffering because I wasn't taking the time to eat properly or exercise.  My grades suffered because I was not donating the time I needed to my school work.  All around, I was falling apart.  And I realized I needed to prioritize myself into my schedule.  Once I started caring for myself, everything else found it's natural order.  

Never underestimate the importance of giving financially and physically.  However, never let giving to others get in the way of giving to yourself.  Once you put your own finances, health and well-being first, the rest of your life will become easier, leaving you energy/time/money to give to others.

"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." - Lucille Ball

Friday, January 25, 2013

the spending diet

Blessings are abundant for our little two person family, blog world.  I've been working extra hours at my office and building quite a bit of job security.  JD got moved up to FULL TIME!  Yay!  These are both incredible blessings for us at this time!

However, I often look at our money situation and think, "How did we survive when I was the only one with a pay check?"  It really was not that long ago that JD was out of work still and I was the only one bringing home very little from my part-time paralegal gig.  I thought and thought about this and realized something: We were much more careful.  We knew we ONLY had $400-$500 for the month.  We carefully planned out every cent.  And we thrived and survived, with the help of not paying rent (my parents really are our saviors as we work up the ranks, earn money and save for a house.  I don't think I'll ever be able to really express to them or you how awesome they are.) and having limited expenses. 

As I was looking at our financials, our expenses haven't really changed.  However, we have not been budgeting as we used to.  We feel as though we don't have to be as tight as we once did, so we spend on frivolous "extras."  Lately, we've been seriously looking at purchasing a home.  We're needing to save up for school expenses so both JD and I can attend school this fall.  We want to start saving for a baby.  So, obviously, spending needed to cease...or at least be controlled.

One of my very favorite money savings blogs is And Then We Saved.  Anna got out of $24,000 of debt in 15 months!  She shares tips on saving money, doing things yourself, and most inspiring to me, The Spending Fast.  If the Spending Fast seems a little too difficult for you (because I thought that when I read it), try the Spending Diet with me! 

Read more about the details on Anna's blog.  Essentially, at the beginning of the month we make a list.  First, we begin estimating our income for the month.  Then, we estimate our NEEDED expenses.  Let me say that again...NEEDED expenses.  Yes, there are huge differences between NEEDS and WANTS.  Don't worry friends, it's difficult for me to grasp that most of the time too.  Generally, once the needed expenses are done, we give ourselves $200 extra (Anna does $100, but we're starting with $200 to start).  This money can be used for whatever we want during the month.  Eating out, buying clothes, etc.  Once it is gone, it's gone.  Any money left over after the "needs" list and $200 extra "play" money is done, gets put straight into our Savings Account preparing for house, baby and college for JD.

This month we're starting the plunge and, I'll tell you (even where we basically have no debt right now) it feels liberating.  We feel like we're taking total control of how and where we spend our money.  So, join me in the Spending Diet!  Do you have any favorite budgeting or spending tips?  What things do you deem "needs" and "wants"?  (i.e. I have yet to convince my husband dyeing my hair is steps I suppose).  I guarantee you're going to like how it feels to take total control of your finances.