Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Saturday, December 15, 2012

protect the children

I theorized a few days ago that my blog post today would contain a my experiences co-planning the annual ward Christmas party.  The sore feet that I was sure would come (and I was correct), the relief of stress I would feel (I was also correct) and the end of finals week (which was also an amazing blessing).  However, life has a way of changing things...

Last night after a full day of work and a full week of decorating, cooking, singing at and cleaning up after the ward Christmas party that I was co-chair for, I was finally able to sit down upstairs and watch the news before heading to bed.  I'd read a bit about the story while at work, however, I was so busy I merely read a few headlines then continued work on a few of the divorce cases going to trial next week.  My father and my husband hadn't heard anything about the killings either, being busy at work as well.   

I was saddened and horrified by the news as I watched the timeline of this travesty unfold.  I wondered how a young man, the exact same age as me mind you, could get to such a dark, horrible place in his own mind that he felt the need to not only destroy his own life, but the lives of countless others.  I thought of my three little nieces and how horrified and distraught I would feel if any of them were in any situation remotely close to what happened in Newtown, CT.

Not only did I begin pondering on that horrific, senseless act of violence in Connecticut, but I also began pondering on the at least two other instances of violence to happen this week alone.  The Jovan Belcher murder/suicide and the Oregon mall killings have all occurred in this small window of time.  I'm sure there are many other violent acts to have taken place in the last two weeks that I am not aware of.  As my husband, father and I watched, we began discussing all of these killings that have taken place in two weeks time.  We also spoke of our experiences when Columbine, The Virginia Tech Massacre, The Aurora Colorado Movie Theater Shootings and countless other violent acts taken out on innocent men, women and children.  How when each individual event happened, we couldn't believe humanity could fall any further.  And with each individual event, we were constantly proved wrong.

The true heroine, in my humble opinion, of the entire tragedy is Victoria Soto.

CNN reports:
Soto, a first grade teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary, moved her students away from the classroom door when she heard gunfire, which students initially "thought were hammers falling," according to the father of one of her students.

Her students were huddled behind her in a corner of the classroom, her family said.

"That's when the gunman burst in, did not say a word, no facial expressions, and proceeded to shoot their teacher," said Robert Licata, whose 6-year-old son Aiden escaped by running past the shooter.

"She instinctively went into action when a monster came into her classroom and tried to protect the kids that she loved so much," her cousin, James Wiltsie, said. "We just want the public to know that Vicki was a hero."

While Soto had no children of her own, she did love her dog. The black lab Roxie spent Saturday wondering around Soto's apartment, apparently looking for her, relatives said.

Now is not the time to discuss personal opinions on gun control or demand the government take action to prevent this from happening again.  Now is the time to lovingly remember those who were lost in this horrific event.  As a current Elementary Education Major, I felt a connection with this particular occurrence.  I thought as I watched the bravery exhibited by the teachers involved wondering, If my class of kindergarteners was in that situation, would I be able to be as calm, loving and brave as these teachers were?  That answer in unclear, but I know that if I have even half of the love that those teachers had for their students, I would do anything to protect them.

My personal thoughts and prayers are with those families suffering through this incredible tragedy.  However, I know without a doubt that their families will be reunited in the hereafter.  Hold those you love tighter and always protect the children.  

"I have spoken for children—children everywhere. Some may reject some of these examples, but none should resist the plea that we unite to increase our concern for the welfare and future of our children—the rising generation.  We are speaking of the children of God, and with His powerful help, we can do more to help them. In this plea I address not only Latter-day Saints but also all persons of religious faith and others who have a value system that causes them to subordinate their own needs to those of others, especially to the welfare of children." -Dallin H. Oaks

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

rare breed of lady

I'm a die hard feminist.  Seriously, it's almost detrimental.  I believe we deserve equal rights as men (quite honestly, I can't believe we're still debating the topic.  I mean, it's the 21st century).  I believe we deserve to make our own choices about our health and bodies.  I believe we deserve to be paid the same amount as men for the same job.  I believe we shouldn't be forced to pay more for products just because they're the color pink.  The list goes on and on.

I love being a wife.  Getting married was, seriously, the best decision I ever made.  I've heard every single negative thing about me getting married as young as I did.  However, it was what worked for our situation.  It's not right for everyone, I'd never encourage just anyone to get married before they're 20.  It was a decision that required lots of prayer, contemplation and scripture study.  When the time is right, you know it is right.  Timing is everything.  I know how cliche it sounds, but it is.  My own mother didn't get married until she was 39.  That was when the time was right for her.  The time was right for me at 19.

As much as I love being a wife, I am SO excited to be a mother.  I can't wait to have little JD and Megan combinations running around, making my house a mess, pulling my hair/earrings out and keeping me awake until all hours of the night.  Nothing makes me happier that I decided to share my life with JD then when I think about the children we will have together.

Now that you know my background, I'd like to disband a few "myths" about women who are feminists:
  • All feminists hate men. FALSE.  I love men.  I love my husband.  I don't believe every man is trying to oppress me or put me down. However, I do believe there are some out there who do oppress, abuse and take advantage of women.  It's a sad fact of our society.  I just happened to be lucky enough to have the self esteem and good sense to not associate with men of that breed.
  • Women who stay at home with their children are being oppressed by their husbands. FALSE.  My goal in life is to become a stay-at-home mother.  Feminism is about women choosing what they want to do.  If they want to pursue being a stay-at-home mother, great!  If they want to become a doctor, also cool!  
  • Women who wear make up, do their hair and dress nice are conforming to society's idea of beauty.  FALSE.  Fun fact: I'm obsessed with doing hair and make up.  I love getting ready in the morning.  Women don't have to do their hair and makeup to be beautiful.  However, that doesn't mean they shouldn't or can't.
  • Feminism is a bunch of women being whiny. FALSE.  Feminism is about women being able to pay the same amount of money for products/services as men, be paid the same amount of money for the same job as men, be treated with respect, being allowed to make their own health decisions, etc.  Women deserve to have a CHOICE and not be directed by the government or others just because they have a uterus.  
  • All feminists are democrats. FALSE.  I'm a  registered republican, although I label myself as more of an independent.  I think democrats are stupid.  I also think republicans are stupid.  I think they both have good points and also have terrible points.  However, I agree more with the republican party regarding economic issues and tend to sway to the democratic party for social issues. Essentially, I vote for whomever/whatever issue make the most logical, ethical and moral sense.
I'm a strange, republican woman that believes in the radical notion that women should be treated like people.  Also, here's my favorite observation ever on the new "Bic for Women" pens.  Seriously, have you seen this yet?  What are your thoughts?  Do I sound completely stupid or do I make any sense?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

images of an election

This was an election for the history books.  First ever African-American president to get two terms, third consecutive president to serve two terms, First Mormon candidate to get SO close to the presidency, First disabled, female, war veteran to serve in congress.  My grandchildren will be asking me about this election.  It was a whirlwind of emotions for every person involved.  Whether you are team Romney or team Obama, it was a wonderful evening.  And, I mean that completely seriously.  It was amazing to watch how passionate Americans can be over an election, even once it is decided and over.  I cannot even express to you just how many hateful, wretched, awful things I read last night about Barack Obama, about Mitt Romney, about the entire election, on a trivial social media site.  And it just made me sad.  Passion is good, but hate-filled rantings on a silly social medial website make you ALL look stupid.  In my humble opinion, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are amazing men.  They are two of the most outstanding men in our nation, which is why they were candidates for such a prestigious title.  The election is over, Barack Obama will continue to serve as President of the United States.  And I'm happy.

I am looking forward to see how he decides to shape our nation.  I am also looking forward to see if Governor Romney will run for President once again in 2016.  I believe Governor Romney had some great ideas to shape our country's economy that many American's agreed with.  However, President Obama I believe is more in tune with the majority of the nation's views on social issues.  Either way you slice it, the man who needs to be in the President's seat now is.  Regardless of who you wanted, the man that needed to win did.  Personally, I believe God is watching over this country.  God will direct the leaders of the USA.  God has a plan for this great place we live and it will be His will, not ours, that will be done.  He knows all and he planned for Barack Obama to be this nation's 44th President.  Perhaps the 45th will be Mitt Romney. 

Here are a few of my favorite images from the election season this year

 Does anyone else love how every picture of them in this debate makes them look like they're singing a cute duet?  Or they're pointing at each other saying in a very girly voice "Oh, you!"

I love this.  He just has such a look of pride and love for his wife.

Ah!  SO much love!  Seriously, whoever you voted for, I love both of the pictures above.  It is obvious these two men love their wives and put them above all else.  It just makes me so happy.

 The entire Romney Clan

The Obama Family at the Victory Rally

 I love a politician with babies.  He's carrying TWO of them!  In the cutest tutus I have ever seen!

Seriously, look at his face.  And look at the baby's face.  This is just adorable on all levels.

 My newest hero, Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth.  Such an inspiration.  Read some more about her story here.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

megan's mind

Today, I started my new degree program.  ELEMENTARY EDUCATION.  Which, I'm totally psyched about.  I want to teach Kindergarten mostly.  I'm a big fan of the little'uns.  I just love playing and teaching the little kids.  Getting to teach them to read, write, do basic math.  It'll be fantastic in 4-5 years when I get my degree done. 

I hate Facebook during election season.  There, I said it.  I don't care if you support Romney, I don't care if you support Obama, I don't care if you're a Nader or Ron Paul person. All I really want to do is stalk your pictures and status updates.  There, I said that too.   No matter what you put on your Facebook, whether it makes you look totally stupid and ridiculous or not, I don't care.  I just want to find out what is happening in your life a million miles away from me.  Also, I love Facebook for the fact that it has made my nosiness socially acceptable.  For that, I thank you Mark Zuckerburg. You've forever made my life easier.

For the last few weeks, I've been super sick.  I'd just get a bad stomach ache, some cramps here and there.  I figured it was nothing serious.  Then, the last few days, it's been nearly unbearable.  To the point where I hadn't eaten or drinken (I don't think that's a word...oh well) anything for almost 1 1/2 days simply because it would make me sick.  After a few days of uncontrollable throwing up (tmi?  Oh well...) I finally went to the doctor.  And it is looking like I'm gonna need to get my gallbladder out soon.  Tomorrow I get an ultrasound to look for any gallstones.  If they don't see any, then I get a Hida Scan.  Basically, I lay on a table for almost 2 hours while they inject my gallbladder with dye, then watch and see if my gallbladder can get all of the dye out. 

If you can't tell by this post I'm basically losing my mind.  My poor husband has been dealing with my persistent moodiness, as has my poor mother.  I really don't know how they put up with me.  I'm a lucky girl.  With so many things happening and so many things to do (i.e. clean our room, clean the living room, put laundry away, dust, vacuum....) I'm sitting on my computer. 

However, I did get my homework for my math for elementary education teachers and education class finished tonight.  It's the small victories, people.