So, on December 20 I had surgery to remove nasal polyps. A huge thank you and shout out goes to the University of Utah Hospital ENT team. They were phenomenal and fantastic and surgery recovery has been so nice. Lots of you know, I've had the surgery twice before this time around. This time around has definitely been the BEST experience I've ever had dealing with this surgery. Love the UofU hospital and staff, I'm now attempting to get us to have all of our doctors centralized at the University Hospital. Because they're fantastic. So, I've been taking it easy and easing myself back into real life. I go back to work soon, so we're just working on getting back to normal around these parts after Christmas and surgery recovery.
Today marks the first official day of 2014, also known as "New Year's Day." Last night was the infamous "New Year's Eve" and I spent it in bed with my husband watching television and arguing over how hot/cold our room was. And it was perfect. Even when I was a single collegiate, I hated parties. I think I went to one real "party" during my single college career and it wasn't fun. Too loud, too many people, too few clothes on the people there, it just wasn't my thing. Fun fact: it still isn't. New Year's was the night where most of my roommates went out to parties and I stayed at the apartment watching movies. I did one crazy thing in college, taking a mini road trip to the Hot Springs that were 4ish hours away in the middle of the night. That was a crazy as I got, and I was EXHAUSTED for like a week after that escapade (curse you and your adventurous spirit, Mandy). Because of all of these things New Year's has never been my favorite holiday.
Also, I don't subscribe to the "resolutions" thought process. Much like I don't believe in "epiphanies" either but that is a different conversation for a different day. I think setting goals for yourself is a great practice, and I do this quite frequently. However, making HUGE changes in your life just because the calendar has started over isn't a good enough reason to me. In order to make lasting, real changes in your life YOU have to want it. YOU have to mean it. YOU have to work at it. Needlessly writing out crazy, unattainable "resolutions" just because you feel social construct tells you "New Year, New Me" is something that must be done is ludicrous.
I really like the One Little Word project, which I blogged about last year. This year my word is CONTENT. Content is defined as, "in a state of peaceful happiness." This past year sent us lots of curve balls and I had SO many times where I was not content in my life or my circumstances. This year, I want to be in a "state of peaceful happiness." I want to be content in my life and understand that we can't always change our circumstances but we can always choose to be happy about them. I hope to blog each month about how I'm learning to be more "content." What's your one little word you aspire to make your mantra this year?
Happy 2014, best wishes!
I love your word! It's so great to be content with what we have. I also chose a word - Purpose. I would like to make sure my life is more purposeful this year! Less going through the motions. Good luck to both of us!