Friday, January 10, 2014

dear someone

Dear Hairdresser, Thank you for doing such a good job on my husband's hair.  He no longer looks like a homeless surfer. 

Dear Laundry, If you could just stop accumulating for one day, that'd be great.

Dear Uterus, Thank you for the monthly reminder that I am in fact not pregnant.  However, do you think you could be a little more subtle? Mkkkkay, Thanks.

Dear Eye Makeup, Why do you NEVER come off completely no matter how often I try to wash you off?

Dear Weather App on my Phone, There was a ridiculously terrible blizzard today.  Not "Partly Cloudy" as you promised.

Dear Christmas, Thanks for being so amazing, I haven't yet made a blog post about it because it was so awesome.  (Yuletidings are coming in blog form eventually, no worries)

 photo c89524b5-685f-431c-aee4-e6118aeb9c89_zps6568d8ee.jpgThe best attempt at a picture of my three nieces...taking a photo of two seven year olds and an 18 month old is a lot harder than you think it will be...

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking the same thing about laundry!! Oh man there is always so much of it! I am giving away a Starbucks Verismo Brewer on my blog. I would love if you would check it out.


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