Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Well, it's official.  We have a "we're married" blog.  My old bloggity-blog just wasn't cutting it for me anymore.  I decided I wanted to make one for JD and I and our adventures as a family. 

Here's a little preview of our wedding day:
Exiting the Temple as husband and wife


The Bridesmaids and GroomsmenPhotobucket

Smiles and Cake Cutting at our Wedding Dinner

So, now we're living up in Wyoming.  I work for an attorney.  My hubby is seeking employment.  We're happy.  Except for the fact I've had the flu 3 times since we've been married.  I also sprained my ankle.  We love being together all the time.  We love playing games together and spending time with each other.  Seriously, he is perfect for me.   I don't know what I'd ever do without him.  Stay tuned for more of our geeky adventures together.